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Be it B2B, B2C, D2C, B2G, C2C, C2B, etc… There is no one-size-fits-all plan

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, companies are constantly exploring different avenues to reach their target audience and maximize their profitability. What works for one may completely tank for another.

With a multitude of business models available, such as B2B (Business-to-Business), B2C (Business-to-Consumer), D2C (Direct-to-Consumer), B2G (Business-to-Government), C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer), and C2B (Consumer-to-Business), it is essential for businesses to recognize that no single strategy can be universally applied across all sectors.

Each model has its unique characteristics, challenges, and advantages, necessitating tailored approaches to succeed.

Let us examine what all is available to us at our disposal.

Understanding the Various Business Models

B2B (Business-to-Business):

B2B transactions involve businesses selling products or services directly to other businesses.

It’s a business model that is established between two peas in a pod.

This model typically focuses on building strong relationships and providing customized solutions to meet the specific needs of business clients.

Key considerations for a successful B2B strategy include effective communication, value proposition alignment, and fostering long-term partnerships.

In view of this, there are a number of things that go into making a full-scale B2B marketing strategy, namely:

Strategy. Planning. Tracking results. And more.

With a task that is handful, it is no wonder that only 41% of B2B businesses conduct their marketing activities in-house (Statista).

Rephrased, it means almost 60% of B2B brands don’t do all of that marketing stuff in-house.

Instead, the vast majority of B2B companies get help with activities like keyword research, content writing, and ad management. Some outsource the work to agencies. Others hire freelancers with specific expertise.

Either way, nearly 60% of B2B brands get some form of help with their marketing from external sources.

B2C (Business-to-Consumer):

B2C stands for “Business-to-Consumer” in which commercial transactions take place between businesses and individual consumers. In a B2C relationship, businesses directly market, sell, and provide products or services to individual customers who are the end-users.

B2C involves mass marketing, creating compelling brand experiences, and understanding consumer behavior to drive sales. In this model, businesses need to prioritize customer satisfaction, offer personalized experiences, and build brand loyalty to stay competitive.

In such a scenario where the business has to amplified directly to the masses, content has to be churned out both strategically and extensively. Thus, it is no wonder that 70% of B2C marketers use content marketing as part of their overall marketing strategy (Content Marketing Institute)

In this connection, the B2C Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Insights for 2022 Report yielded the following findings:

  • Among the B2C marketers who used paid content distribution channels, 43% said their organization increased spending on paid distribution in the last 12 months; 80% used social media advertising/promoted posts.
  • More than one 1/4 (26%) B2C respondents said their organization was extremely or very successful in the last 12 months. Another 55% said they were moderately successful. The top factor contributing to that success was “the value our content provides” (61%)

The research suggested that, due to work-from-home requirements, content marketing piqued the interest of many who were previously unaware of its power. With more people than ever spending time online, content marketing presented a prime opportunity for businesses to stay in front of audiences. Some B2C marketers discovered new audiences altogether.

D2C (Direct-to-Consumer):

With roughly 190 million online shoppers in India, the country has the third-largest digital shopping base after the United States and China.

What does this indicate?

This means that D2C, or digital-first brands, which use the online platform to sell directly to the consumers without the traditional distribution network of wholesalers, stockists, and retailers, are experiencing an upsurge.

Currently, India is home to 600 or more direct-to-consumer brands with estimated market size of about 55 billion U.S. dollars in 2022.

The D2C business model involves building engaging digital experiences and focusing on customer retention through subscription-based models.

Branding is the D2C mindset.

It is indispensable to the success of a Direct-to-customer business where the buyer needs to feel a personal bond and identify with the brand fraternity. This means that values, mission, and unique selling proposition (USP) of the D2C business should go viral along with the product on the market grapevine. This happens with building engaging narratives.

Don’t sell a product. Tell a story.

Don’t pitch. Create experience.

And the D2C brand Licious did exactly that. It played by the book, chose storytelling and did impeccable branding. Licious’ content strategy is centered around storytelling that emphasizes the quality and freshness of its products.

Licious’ website has a section dedicated to its “Farm to Fork” process. It tells the story of how Licious sources its products directly from farmers and fishermen, and ensures that they are processed and delivered fresh to customers. This story emphasizes the brand’s commitment to quality and freshness.

Not just the origin tattlers, Licious also tell Recipe Stories. Licious’ social media channels feature stories about how its products can be used in various recipes. For example, the brand’s Instagram page often features videos and images of different dishes made using Licious products. This story emphasizes the brand’s versatility and encourages customers to experiment with its products.

Licious has built a stronghold in India with a whopping Instagram following of 48.7K.

Through its storytelling content strategy, Licious has successfully positioned itself as a brand that offers high-quality, fresh and hygienic meat and seafood products.

The brand has experienced rapid growth, with a revenue of over INR 200 crore in the financial year 2020-21.

B2G (Business-to-Government):

In case of B2C, D2C, the process is fairly straightforward. You parade your marketing materials under your audience’s nose. Once you draw them in, you push them to convert.

But B2G marketing is much more complicated.

Government agencies tend to have strict policies dictating what types of businesses they can work with. They require a long string of authentications and approvals to start engagement with a new company.

However, the wait can be worth it since the government often buys products in bulk, generating significant revenue.

The RFP bidding process is the central component of B2G marketing, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only basket one should all their eggs in. In fact, if you don’t have any marketing outside of your bid, you won’t get far. Government agencies will look into your business online, and you can control what they see.

Here are four ways to boost your B2G marketing strategy online:

  1. Prioritize Content Marketing.
  2. Build a strong label with branding
  3. Be mobile-friendly.
  4. Harness Social Media

Social media is excellent for projecting B2G’s online presence and spreading brand awareness. Even something as simple as putting yourself on a government official’s radar early on could end up being part of the reason they choose you later.

You can expand your social media presence by posting organic content and running paid social media ads. You can use both methods to help with your branding.

Talk about three birds with one stone!

C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer):

Consumer to consumer marketing, or C2C marketing as it is better known, is a business model on the rise.

The Bazaarvoice Shopper Experience Index, an annual report highlighting how shopper behaviours change across a calendar year, revealed what might be a surprising revelation:

Shoppers are your new salespeople!

And online C2C company sites such as Craigslist, Etsy, and eBay, are some of the most popular sites that sell products or services through a classified or auction system where these people are commonly found in hordes.

Retailers consider it to be an essential business model because of the popularity of social media and other online channels. These channels showcase products already owned by consumers and increase demand, which drives increased online traffic to C2C platforms.

So how does that benefit the C2C platform?

When done correctly, C2C marketing campaigns can save the in-house team oodles of time, money, and headspace because the responsibility of creating the armada of photos, blog posts, and videos falls to the customers, not the marketing team.

Even better, this content can be reused on multiple marketing platforms, from your social media channels to your website to your email campaigns. You can also create a database of user-generated content (UGC) that can be repurposed throughout the year.

This kind of exposure helps clinch brand awareness and name recognition in your favour as a glowing review or user-generated video can be the final encouragement they need to make a purchase.

Want proof?

53% of consumers say UGC makes them more confident in their buying decision than professional photography (Bazaarvoice)

Thus, in this system, trust, transparency, and convenience are indispensible.

C2B (Consumer-to-Business):

2D blue gradient icon C2B concept, simple isolated vector, C2C thin line illustration.

“On average, brands earn $5.20 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing.” (

C2B involves consumers offering products, services, or expertise to businesses. This model has gained spotlight with the rise of influencer marketing and user-generated content.

In today’s economy, it is increasingly important for consumers to trust the brands they interact with. This trust increases with greater exposure from advertising on websites, blogs, YouTube videos and more.

That is why influencer marketing and affiliate marketing have gained traction.

People care about influencers’ opinions and endorsements. So when they talk up a product or display an ad to their millions of followers, sales are bound to result.

This is why companies reach out to influencers individually and offer them free products or services so they can give an authentic endorsement in the form of:

  • Content for their blog and social media platforms.
  • Interview of a company leader to feature in a podcast or video.
  • Inquire about paid endorsements

Although major influencers will be a pipe dream for small businesses, but niche influencers may be affordable for their C2B marketing needs.

The Importance of Tailored Approaches:

While the aforementioned business models represent distinct approaches, it’s crucial to recognize that no single plan can fit all scenarios. Every industry, market segment, and customer base has unique characteristics, preferences, and demands.

Attempting to implement a one-size-fits-all strategy can lead to missed opportunities, ineffective marketing, and a failure to meet customer expectations.

By understanding the specific requirements of each business model, companies can craft targeted strategies that resonate with their intended audience.

tailored approach allows businesses to leverage the strengths of a particular model, adapt to changing market dynamics, and deliver personalized experiences that drive customer loyalty and revenue growth.

Adapting to the Evolving Landscape:

The business landscape is continually evolving, and new models are emerging as technology advances and consumer behaviour changes. Companies need to remain agile and adaptable, continuously evaluating the suitability of their chosen business model and exploring new opportunities as they arise.

Moreover, hybrid models that combine elements from different approaches are gaining popularity.

For example, many traditional B2B companies are incorporating D2C strategies to reach consumers directly and diversify their revenue streams.


When trading circles are inundated with diverse business models such as B2B, B2C, D2C, B2G, C2C, and C2B, it is essential to recognize that each model requires a unique approach. Businesses must carefully consider their target audience, industry dynamics, and market demands to tailor their strategies accordingly. A successful business is one that can adapt to the ever-changing landscape, explore new models when appropriate, and leverage the strengths of each approach to create a winning formula.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all plan, but there is always an opportunity for innovation and growth when you understand and embrace the nuances of your chosen business model.

So learn to mix and match well!

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